Sunday, August 15, 2010

Off the High Dive and into the Deep End

I'm back home after a three week trip. I would love to say vacation, but my day job came with me. I did manage to squeeze some time out for fun and the wonderful SCBWI International Conference in LA where I gained new knowledge and feasted on inspiration.

I found a new favorite place, Point Lobos State Reserve near Carmel.

I renewed my wish to have a winter cottage in Marin or Monterey County where I can watch the ocean and write.
Someday . . .

My sons had a great time swimming in the same pool I played in when I was a child. The pool now has a very cool high dive.

Here's Holden:

I also received a thorough and insightful editorial letter on my YA novel from my most excellent agent. I read my manuscript, took notes, and had a lot of time to think while rumbling up the I-5 back home.
I'm so excited about the journey ahead.

Time to revise!

Time to take the leap into the water and surround myself in the other world of my story.

Fortunately, I've always loved the deep end. :)


  1. I have always thought that diving into the deep end of anything is always challenging but also where the greatest adventures lie.

    Sounds like you had a lovely vacation.

  2. Yes, it was wonderful!
    I did have a great revising session this morning, so I'm looking forward to my adventures ahead.
    Thank you for visiting.
